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Tag: illness

In Every Moment

Every moment is the potential to change this life experience into something beyond what you have accepted. What does that mean? You at this moment and the next, (everything you believe to be your days, weeks, months, and years of living), can instantly realize that all that is needed is a different direction of thought and action. In that moment you decide to go a different route. It is not that the moment holds the power that must be accessed, but instead you, your True Nature, awakens to its existence, and with it the awareness of how you have been creating your life experience up to this point.

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Deeper Levels Of Health, Deeper Levels Of Healing

The deepest level of healing is going within and realizing our true nature.

We are told that to heal we need to identify the memories of certain events that caused us to create a belief that is now lying in our sub-consciousness causing the health issue.

For instance some illness and disease can be created from beliefs that we are not good enough or we hate ourselves. The body goes about creating illness and or disease from this self-hatred.

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