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Tag: you are healthy

You Are Healthy You Cannot Be Otherwise

You believe your body into manifesting unhealthiness. You feel the pain and reactions of the body expressing the unhealthiness. Yet, you are not unhealthy.

What does this all mean, because it certainly sounds like a contradiction.

The body will manifest what you believe to be true. If you have thoughts and feelings that you are out of shape, or need to lose body fat, or hate your body, the body has little choice but to manifest those reactions.

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You Are Already Healthy, Fit, & Well

Let’s begin again. You, (your higher “Self” that is reading all this is the eternal part of you, and is optimum health, fitness, and wellbeing.

When I say “is” it means the higher Self or Beingness in its natural state is optimum health, fitness, and wellbeing.

The delusional mind will then ask, “ Well, if that is true, and I am always the higher – Self then why am I dealing health issues, weight issues, poor fitness, or injuries, and not feeling any sense of well-being?”

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