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Tag: Holistic Health Fitness

A New Beginning, Needs A New You

A New Beginning, Needs A New You. Do you feel stuck in the same day-to-day habits and routines? So much so that you can see the challenges they are causing with your health and wellbeing yet you feel almost powerless to change them. First off I want you to know that this just isn’t so. You have all the ability needed to change, in fact all you have to do is decide to change, and you can.

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When All Is Lost

It feels like the most terrible thing to lose everything. We of course use that phrase incorrectly, to get across how emotionally devastating a situation is.

It may happen that we lose our jobs, or our homes are destroyed by fire, flood, or earthquakes, our money is gone, or we lose a loved one to divorce, or death.

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Why Hold On To The Moment

Something wonderful happens and we want it to last forever. We even label it as a special moment in time. We always use it as a yardstick in which we measure all other events against. The challenge is most all other events can never live up to the special events. Our days and years turn into waiting and hoping for other special events to come along so we can get our fix.

All this is complete lunacy and causes so much unhappiness in our day-to-day lives because they cannot compare to that special event.

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Senses Without Conditions

Most all of us have the gift of six senses to experience the world of phenomena. Even those who may not have the function of sight or hearing have developed an elevated ability in some of the other senses.

Our senses alone do not have the ability to do anything other than what their function is. That is sight can only take in images, hearing can only take in sound, etc. The senses do not have the ability to label, judge, or create an attachment to or an identity with their functions. This means the eyes as an organ of sight cannot decided whether something is pleasing or scary, joyful or upsetting. This is true for all the senses.

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Holding On Or letting Go, It Always Your Choice

Let us cut to the chase. You and I have been together long enough. If you have been truly hearing what has been presented over the last few years, it is clear enough that if you are holding onto to an identity as a person with its beliefs and attachments you will hold yourself back from manifesting and enjoying health and wellness.

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You Feel You Have Time

The reason you don’t make the changes in health and wellness is because you feel you have time, so you keep putting it off. You ignore the lesser symptoms of declining health and wellness with all sorts of excuses.

What if you didn’t have anymore time? If it was life or death you would step into a healthy lifestyle wouldn’t you?

We see this many times when folks are diagnosed with life threatening diseases. It may have taken several years or even decades of poor lifestyle habit that were causing lesser symptom before it got to the point of no return. Then the diagnosis is given and all of a sudden the person is asking how did this happen?

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