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Tag: unfinished

The Leaves Are Changing, The Tree Does Not Weep

Change is constant.

You are not the changing experience you are what witness’s the change without attachment or meaning.

Autumn is upon us and everywhere there are signs of the changing season. Here in Southern Oregon, it happened overnight. One day I was speaking to a client, as we looked out over the trees which were still green and the next day several trees right in front of the studio turned yellow and red. It was as if they needed to be reminded of the season change and their part to play.

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You Keep Putting Up Walls

You are getting in your own way. Have you ever felt like that? You keep putting up walls around you and you feel more and more isolated.

What are these walls? They are nothing but thoughts of lack and resistance. They may have more of a story to them, such as I can’t find someone to love me, or I try but I always fail. It does not matter what the story is, it always come back to the original source of not feeling whole or complete, or in another word Loved.

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