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Tag: Wellbeing

Allow The Concept To Be Without Getting In The Way

We all have goals and dreams we would like to achieve. For some, it is wealth, others health, and for others love. The intention is neither here nor there. All of it is coming from a mental/emotional belief that there is no wholeness to our identity. The lack of wholeness is expected to be filled once the goal is achieved.

This is not the case, however. For once we have achieved a goal no matter how amazing, the feeling of completeness will not last. Some other concept of not being complete will be felt.

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Realize You Are Not

The health of the body and the wellbeing of the mind are in direct proportion to realizing you are not the mind or the body. I have a feeling that is a bit confusing to most.

We say the body is a servant to the mind. By this it is understood that whatever thoughts the mind chronically holds on to, or if there is a acute experience that creates a deep emotional belief, the body will begin to express the underlying thought. No matter what the catalyst is the core emotion or belief is one of insecurity, or lack of wholeness. This could be understood as; I am not good enough, healthy enough, wealthy enough, smart enough, etc.

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Your Wellbeing Lives In The Stillness

So much of the time we are speaking to health and fitness. Let us now give our attention to what is referred to as wellbeing.

When we think about health and fitness it is directed to the body and the condition of its physical state. Is the body healthy, and is it fit? We look to see if there is any dysfunction, illness, or disease. Then we test the body’s condition of stability, strength, power, balance, speed, agility, and flexibility. These physical attributes are referred to as Bio-motor abilities. Based on these subjective and objective attributes we then can determine the levels of health and fitness.

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You Are Healthy You Cannot Be Otherwise

You believe your body into manifesting unhealthiness. You feel the pain and reactions of the body expressing the unhealthiness. Yet, you are not unhealthy.

What does this all mean, because it certainly sounds like a contradiction.

The body will manifest what you believe to be true. If you have thoughts and feelings that you are out of shape, or need to lose body fat, or hate your body, the body has little choice but to manifest those reactions.

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Health and Wellbeing; Give Up To Receive

We have heard that it is a Universal truth that to give is to receive. This goes against everything the ego / Self – image is based upon, which is; it must continually receive and be equally greedy to get what it wants. The ego is always in a state of lack. There will be momentary experiences when it feels fulfilled however, shortly after it will be in need again.

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