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Tag: Holistic approach

You Feel You Have Time

The reason you don’t make the changes in health and wellness is because you feel you have time, so you keep putting it off. You ignore the lesser symptoms of declining health and wellness with all sorts of excuses.

What if you didn’t have anymore time? If it was life or death you would step into a healthy lifestyle wouldn’t you?

We see this many times when folks are diagnosed with life threatening diseases. It may have taken several years or even decades of poor lifestyle habit that were causing lesser symptom before it got to the point of no return. Then the diagnosis is given and all of a sudden the person is asking how did this happen?

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Making Space For Health

You can imagine room full of furniture, and now you want a new look for this room. You purchase a new couch, end tables, and lights. However, you cannot use the furniture and change the look and feel of the room, until you make space for the new furniture. You must let go of the old furniture.

Another way of pointing to this is you must make space for the new look. So, it is with health, wellness, and abundance in your life experience.

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You Are To Wrapped Up In Your Concerns About Health to Be Healthy

A Writer writes, it is not about being published, or how the person believes everyone else see him or her as a writer. If someone asks, “How do I become a writer”, the answer is “you write”.

Most of us are wrapped up in what we think of ourselves and we then project this onto what we think others see ourselves as.

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I Am Pointing to Health And Wellness

Let go of everything and you will realize that all the thoughts you have been holding onto have been holding you back. This is causing resistance from health and wellbeing fully manifesting in your life.

Can you right now even as you are reading or listening, release any hold you have on all thoughts and concepts of who you are? What does that even mean, you may be wondering?

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Health and Wellbeing; Give Up To Receive

We have heard that it is a Universal truth that to give is to receive. This goes against everything the ego / Self – image is based upon, which is; it must continually receive and be equally greedy to get what it wants. The ego is always in a state of lack. There will be momentary experiences when it feels fulfilled however, shortly after it will be in need again.

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Being, Not Creating Health, Fitness, And Wellbeing

If I say to you just be health, just be fitness, just be wellbeing, and abundance, what happens?

If you are searching for health, fitness, wellbeing, and abundance instead of realizing you are it, then you are creating the assumption that because you are not experiencing it; it is something outside of yourself that has to be found.

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The Foundation Upon Which You Are Building Health

Can you honestly admit to yourself that you’re healthy and fit, with a deep sense of wellbeing?

Whether you can or cannot it is the result of the foundation upon which you have built your Self – image.

We always speak about the Self – image / ego, and that it is a concept comprised of beliefs. There is the Self, (Consciousness), and then there is the image / ego.

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