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Tag: holistic health

Your Self-Image Is Only The Imagined

You are nothing more and nothing less than complete stillness without identity. I realize for most this seems to be an absurd statement, yet when it is realized, you are freed from the pain and suffering, which accompanies the imagined self.

I wanted to go deeper into the belief of a self–image. Most of us can grasp that we have a self-image, but what does that actually mean? So let’s look at this.

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Two Keys To Health

Two Keys To Health. We take a lot for granted when it comes to our bodies. We ignore the signs and symptoms of illness and disease, thinking that the body is going to take care of it.

Sadly we don’t want to take responsibility for our bodies, and so just go about choking down all manner of what are labeled as foods, yet in actuality are toxic to our bodies.

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You Are Creating An Identity Out of Every Thought You Believe In

The way you think about eating is an identity. The way you think about your job or career is an identity, the way you think about the money you earn is an identity. In fact, don’t they all just get categorized under the identity of whatever you call yourself.

The identity of whatever you call yourself, let’s look at that for a moment or two. Look for your – self and what you know it as. Sooner or later if you look deeply, the awareness will come that all of what you know your identity as is only a bunch of thoughts. All of what you know your identity to be are only thoughts nothing more.

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In Every Moment

Every moment is the potential to change this life experience into something beyond what you have accepted. What does that mean? You at this moment and the next, (everything you believe to be your days, weeks, months, and years of living), can instantly realize that all that is needed is a different direction of thought and action. In that moment you decide to go a different route. It is not that the moment holds the power that must be accessed, but instead you, your True Nature, awakens to its existence, and with it the awareness of how you have been creating your life experience up to this point.

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You Are Only Awareness

Awareness is your actual existence and actual experience. This means you do not exist as something referred to as a person. The only thing occurring is the witnessing of experience.

This may take a bit of explaining. Although it must be said that it is impossible to actually express what we are because what we are is nothing that can be explained, or understood.

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Realize You Are Not

The health of the body and the wellbeing of the mind are in direct proportion to realizing you are not the mind or the body. I have a feeling that is a bit confusing to most.

We say the body is a servant to the mind. By this it is understood that whatever thoughts the mind chronically holds on to, or if there is a acute experience that creates a deep emotional belief, the body will begin to express the underlying thought. No matter what the catalyst is the core emotion or belief is one of insecurity, or lack of wholeness. This could be understood as; I am not good enough, healthy enough, wealthy enough, smart enough, etc.

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